Better Manage Prices and Promotions in B2B and B2C E-commerce

Solve the biggest challenge in e-commerce with a single tool. The Price and Promotion Engine manages your store’s prices in real time.

Build a Competitive Advantage

An e-commerce store with a Price and Promotion Engine has an undeniable advantage over businesses that rely on sales reps or time-consuming calculations for pricing.

Always Up-to-Date Pricing for Customers

The price engine calculates individualized prices for each product and customer in real time, taking into account trade conditions and current promotions. You won’t need special tools to solve this issue anymore.

Easier Price Management

The price engine handles discounts, trade conditions, and promotions. With browser-based tools, managing prices in your business becomes simpler.

Profitable Margins Calculated in Real Time

The price engine uses various price sources (e.g., ERP system, supplier price lists) and generates product prices in real time based on trade terms, margin targets, and customer conditions.

Expand Sales with Technology

How does the Price Engine support B2B and B2C e-commerce?

The Price and Promotion Engine manages prices comprehensively for B2B and B2C companies. It’s especially critical when implementing B2B platforms by solving the issue of real-time individual pricing for different customers.

  • Even the most complex, multi-level price lists are calculated in seconds.
  • Individual discounts are assigned to each customer for specific products.
  • Your website will load faster.
  • Prices are automatically adapted to marketplaces.
  • Customer interaction will be easier. The price engine calculates individual discounts and displays them to each customer on the product page. Sales reps will have more time to focus on acquiring new clients.
  • Customers can purchase directly through the platform without waiting for a sales rep to contact them.
  • Managing promotions across multiple channels becomes effective and simple.
  • Price lists are adjusted to the sales channel (e.g., Allegro, your store).
  • Your website will load faster.
Focus on Business Growth

What will you gain with the Price and Promotion Engine?

Implementation directly translates into better efficiency for your e-commerce: improved customer service, faster website performance, optimized work for sales reps, and assigning the right product margins.

  • Increase Business Competitiveness

    The price engine dynamically adjusts prices (e.g., 60,000 products for 20,000 customers) in the blink of an eye, based on market data and competitor pricing.

  • Easily Control Sales

    With the price engine, you get real-time access to detailed customer engagement and sales performance analysis. Decisions based on real data improve profitability and sales.

  • Offer Individual Pricing for Every Customer

    Without performing thousands of complex calculations, our solution calculates the final prices displayed to your e-commerce customers, unlike other price engines.

  • Avoid Selling Below Cost

    Real-time pricing adjustments help maintain profitable margins and market position, speeding up customer interactions and freeing up sales reps’ time for other tasks.

  • Encourage Easy Online Purchases

    With the price engine, orders are quick and easy. For B2B platforms, customers prefer ordering online because they know they’re getting the same advantageous pricing as when contacting a sales rep.

  • Reduce B2B E-commerce Implementation Costs

    Don’t have a B2B platform yet? With the price engine, there’s no need to replicate complex B2B pricing logic on the e-commerce platform. Implementing the entire platform becomes faster, more predictable, and more cost-effective.

  • Manage Pricing Based on Supplier Price Lists

    By importing supplier price lists into the price engine, you can create price lists for your customers based on rules. You’ll be able to quickly and easily adjust prices in the appropriate channels if exchange rates or other factors change.

Learn More About Business Development

Free Webinars with B2B Industry Experts

We’ve created B2B Master Class to support entrepreneurs in digital transformation. If you want to implement or are already developing a B2B e-commerce platform, our educational materials will clear up many of your doubts.

Focus on Business Growth

What will you gain with the Price and Promotion Engine?

Implementation directly translates into better efficiency for your e-commerce: improved customer service, faster website performance, optimized work for sales reps, and assigning the right product margins.

Choose the Most Modern Technology on the Market

Why is our Price and Promotion Engine the best choice?

We specialize in implementing B2B and B2C e-commerce platforms, which is why we’ve tailored our price engine to the most common needs of platform owners. Our technology offers several key features that set it apart from competing solutions.

  • creates simple rules (e.g., notify me if the supplier's price increases by 10%, as I should change the sale price)
  • monitors competitor prices
Price and Promotion Engine by Macopedia
  • creates simple rules (e.g., notify me if the supplier's price increases by 10%, as I should change the sale price)
  • monitors competitor prices
  • supports omnichannel, maintaining consistent pricing across all sales channels (CRM, e-commerce, or OMS)
  • calculates final prices displayed to online store customers
  • provides customers with individual prices (including personalized discounts) quickly
Have Doubts?

Let Us Partner to Support Your Business

Are you wondering how implementing the price engine will affect your e-commerce? We’ll partner with you throughout the entire process and offer the most beneficial solutions at every stage.

Worried that integrating with ERP will be difficult?

Many of our clients are concerned about the complexity of ERP integration, knowing it’s one of the biggest risks in implementing a B2B platform. As Macopedia, we can quickly implement the price engine with minimal involvement from your ERP system partner. Our solution integrates with popular ERPs like Comarch XL.

Not sure if the price engine integrates with every e-commerce platform?

As Macopedia, we have official integrations with Magento and Baselinker, and we also provide an API for integrating our system with any platform.

Let’s Discuss Implementing a Price Engine in Your Business

Tomasz Grzemski CEO Macopedia
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