Find a way to share data and integrate
your IT systems all along the value chain

Building modern IT landscapes where business and applications
communicate better to meet the digital transformation needs.

We find integration solution to connect disparate systems in the best way possible

When growing and expanding business functions, enterprises incorporate more and more subsystems to streamline their processes. For example, they integrate with their in-house applications, ERP, suppliers‘ systems, or online payment systems. It forces you to have powerful interfaces, and keep your eye on coordination of every system in your organization. You don’t want to become overwhelmed by disparate tools that can’t share data and work together quickly, easily, and securely, right? That’s where the system integration comes to the rescue. With integration services, you can expect to experience greater productivity and speed of information flow. In addition, integrated systems aim to resolve the complexity of the increased communication between software applications. Not to mention that IT integrations come at a lower cost than replacing platforms with a new single system. Vertical integration or horizontal integration? Data integration, enterprise application integration or third-party system integration? Let us work on the lack of communication between these comprehensive systems with a range of technological solutions.

How does middleware software work

Grow your business with middleware software

If you use multiple systems, you need information to be transferred from one software to another to work effectively. This is exactly what middleware is for.

As companies move towards digital transformation and industry 4.0 – flexibility, cloud-based solutions, and service-orientation become crucial. If your company can no longer meet these digital needs, consider handing the project over to specialists with the required resources. To facilitate integration challenges, our team offers both consulting and implementation services to help better manage technology assets. We leverage middleware to digitize and integrate external and internal systems, applications, services, or devices. Moreover, middleware technology serves functional needs such as enhanced data management, messaging, API management, and authentication.

Why system integrations?

Efficiency and productivity

You get more work done in less time thanks to system connectivity and centralized control over the daily processes.

Easy access to data

You have accurate data available easily so you can reduce the risk of unsynchronised information between systems.


Your systems share the same ‘source of truth’, data is updated across all components of the system simultaneously.


Faster communication decreases your project costs and development time.

Vendor independence

Your business doesn’t rely on a single system and you no longer need to be tied to a single vendor.

Rapid innovation

Efficiency in adjusting integrations, automation as your business requirements change.

Improved agility

Business integrations help you implement and deliver services regardless of the applications or systems used.

Better decision-making

You can monitor system performance (360° view of data analysis) and make good decisions more rapidly.

Improved customer loyalty

Enhanced user experience thanks to the process of integration and middleware solutions.

Reliable data flow between IT systems to streamline business processes

Using different systems for targeting different tasks and specific functions is a common practice. The average number of Software as a Service applications used by companies worldwide has increased rapidly in recent years (from 8 in 2015 to 110 in 2021). They share no points of convergence and accumulate huge volumes of data separately. As a result, the IT landscape quickly becomes too complicated and brings businesses a lot of headaches. The question is how to centralize data flows in your IT infrastructure and make so many SaaS applications and microservices work together in a seamless way (real-time data exchange)? As your system integrator, we will deliver high-quality services based on the middleware to cover various integration scenarios.

We perform business & IT analysis, define requirements, and design integration methods, a proper architecture model and an entire process of how systems will interact with one another without losing any data during transmission. You may have the best integration software, but without a reliable technology partner, it won’t bring you much value. We have capabilities, knowledge, and experience in planning, testing, deploying and maintaining a coherent network. Our specialists transform business life by ensuring efficient connectivity, conducting effective integrations with middleware solutions and Enterprise Service Bus (ESB). Strategy based on these technologies will help you become a benchmark and address all strategic needs in your transformation journey.

Our integration case studies

  • Dedicated product team at your service

    Our team of 80+ specialists will transform your business and support you at every stage of development to ensure optimal performance. We are IT consultants, business analysts, e-commerce experts and certified software developers.

  • Client first. We treat each cooperation individually

    We respect your processes. We will acknowledge your project’s custom requirements and combine them with best strategies for every industry: education, fashion, sports & entertainment, travel & logistics, FMCG, or healthcare & beauty.

  • We build fast and right

    We deliver approaches and long-term directions necessary for smooth deployment. Combining our strong commitment to quality with proven digital transformation processes and open-source mindset, we will help your business run fast and smooth. Digital solutions we create together with our clients are complex in functionality, but easy to use. Get the job done right!

  • We are agile and transparent

    Having worked with business leaders from various industries, we have learned to adapt to new challenges quickly. Agile project management enables us to reduce time-to-market and total cost of ownership, establish a secure development process, and ensure on-time delivery and operational transparency. We value close collaboration and open communication above all.

  • Proven expertise. Because results matter

    Our competencies are the result of over 10 years of software development practice. With 100+ delivered IT projects, we have the extensive expertise required to point you in the most suitable direction and discover scaling opportunities.

  • Full-cycle development on your terms

    We're here for you to provide consulting services from the idea all the way to the market. Every project starts with a discovery phase. After a detailed business analysis we present you with a variety of recommendations, guiding you on choosing technologies, planning strategies, end-to-end implementation, integration, optimization, ongoing support (even after launch).

Any sector, any software development need. We offer comprehensive services, support and technical knowledge to partners in the most innovative industries.

We serve clients across all industries

Healthcare & Beauty
Interior & Exterior
Sports & Entertainment
Construction & Energy
Travel & Logistics

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