
Connect Your Physical Business and Online Sales Through the Implementation of B2B E-Commerce

A B2B sales platform (B2B e-commerce) is a key component of digital transformation that will help you scale your business. Once implemented, your company will manage sales more efficiently and provide customers with a modern service standard.

We will partner with your company throughout the digital transition process. Our experienced team will tailor your workflow and necessary tools for effective B2B sales in a modern model.


Our B2B platform offers:

  • Access to the full product range
  • Automation of the sales process
  • Smart search and product recommendations
  • Sales representative dashboard
  • Quotation module
  • Pricing, discount, and promotion policies
  • Customer accounts and permission structures
  • Credit limits
  • Customer verification process
  • OMS (Order Management System)
  • ERP system integration
  • WMS system integration
  • PIM system integration
  • B2B-customized UX (User Interface)
Convenience for Customers and Employees

Who Benefits from Implementing the B2B Platform?


They frequently place orders via the platform because it’s fast and convenient. They can do it anytime without waiting for a response from a sales representative. This is the solution they’ve been looking for!

Sales Representative

Instead of responding to messages, they can focus on acquiring new clients. The platform lightens their load of daily tasks, giving them more time for meaningful actions.

Customer Service Office

The current status of all orders is visible in real-time and can be accessed in seconds. This speeds up and simplifies ongoing communication with clients!


They frequently place orders via the platform because it’s fast and convenient. They can do it anytime without waiting for a response from a sales representative. This is the solution they’ve been looking for!

Sales Representative

Instead of responding to messages, they can focus on acquiring new clients. The platform lightens their load of daily tasks, giving them more time for meaningful actions.

Customer Service Office

The current status of all orders is visible in real-time and can be accessed in seconds. This speeds up and simplifies ongoing communication with clients!

More Than Just an Online Store

What Is the B2B Ecosystem?

We are the only ones on the market who know that implementing a B2B platform is more than just launching an online store. That’s why we build a comprehensive ecosystem of tools tailored to your company’s operations. Implementation often involves taking over many processes that were previously handled by your ERP system. We understand this and know how to effectively manage the change.

We take a holistic approach to your business. We analyze how the platform implementation will affect all processes and offer a variety of solutions

Such as:

  • Taking over all order management within the B2B platform (OMS)
  • Transferring pricing and discount policies from ERP to our pricing engine
  • Deciding on a platform for sales reps to collaborate with clients
  • Implementing a PIM system to prepare offers for B2B using AI solutions
  • Mapping all processes within sales
  • Building a knowledge base for future customer self-service using AI (prompting)

B2B ecosystem includes:

UX / Frontend

A web platform that meets sales goals, strengthens your company’s image, and provides valuable knowledge to customers.

E-Commerce B2B

A transactional platform for customer interactions, ensuring smooth and effective purchases.


A platform for publishing content such as expert articles, news, and a knowledge base for customers. It enriches the e-commerce platform and AI tools.


A system for efficient customer service from the sales departments' perspective.


An order management platform integrated with your ERP system.


A system for managing product information, crucial for acquiring and presenting product data on the e-commerce site.


Supporting platforms like Allegro, Facebook, Amazon, and eBay to extend your reach and trade opportunities.

Data Hub

Connecting the B2B ecosystem with your company’s systems, such as ERP, WMS, CRM, BI. It ensures smooth data exchange and optimal business operations.


An enterprise resource planning system that integrates and automates key business processes like production, finance, HR, and procurement.


A warehouse management system that optimizes processes like receiving, storing, picking, and shipping goods.

Diagram ekosystemu B2B
Each implementation is carried out individually. We tailor it to your company’s needs and processes. Let’s meet to discuss it!
Grow Your Business Through Digital Transformation

Be Prepared for AI Changes in the Future

With a B2B e-commerce platform, you’ll be able to track results in real-time, provide customers with a quick ordering process, and give salespeople more time to acquire new leads.

Increase Competitiveness

Get ahead of the competition and attract new customers with a convenient purchasing method. Thanks to the B2B platform, they will have constant access to prices, stock levels, and the full product range 24/7.

Optimize Costs

Increase the efficiency of your sales department. Let salespeople focus on selling and not waste time on repetitive tasks.

Speed Up the Logistics Process

Accept customer orders 24/7. Don’t wait for the customer service office or sales reps to enter orders. By implementing B2B e-commerce, you will better plan warehouse work and speed up order shipments to customers.

Enable Customer Self-Service

By integrating systems like CRM and OMS, your company will manage customer relationships faster. You’ll use AI tools for product recommendations, purchases, and customer support.

Scale Sales

An online store will give you the opportunity to reach new customers through online advertising and SEO. The B2B platform is scalable, so entering new markets (cross-border sales) will be more accessible.

Quickly Monitor Results Without Reports

The platform combines all your company’s product and process knowledge in one place. Accessing information such as delivery status and product availability takes just a few seconds.

See what we can do for Your Business


We Ensure Successful Implementations

Read the Testimonials of Our Clients

Mamy już na swoim koncie kilka dużych projektów z zewnętrznymi dostawcami, ale współpraca nad Apteline z Macopedią była zdecydowanie najlepsza. Zespół Macopedii pokazał nam czym naprawdę jest SCRUM i jak go zastosować w praktyce.

Z pełnym przekonaniem polecamy Macopedię jako ekspertów wdrożeń systemów PIM. Integracja Akeneo z SAP oraz bankami danych pozwoliła na stworzenie kompletnej bazy dla specyfikacji produktowej oraz plików zdjęciowych. Wdrożenie PIM znacząco uprościło nasze procesy i wyeliminowało zbędną komunikację mailową.

Macopedia oferuje najwyższą jakość swoich usług, wychodzi naprzeciw oczekiwaniom klienta, wykazuje się innowacyjnymi rozwiązaniami oraz udziela specjalistycznych porad o dużej wartości biznesowej. Profesjonalizm pracowników Macopedii sprawia, że szybko zyskują oni zaufanie swoich klientów. Z przyjemnością możemy polecić współpracę z tą firmą innym, sami licząc na utrzymanie kontaktów biznesowych w przyszłości.

Każdy klient, który poważnie myśli o swoim projekcie, uzna Macopedię za dobrego partnera.

Kieruje nimi bardzo imponujący technologiczny management i zespół doświadczonych programistów, którzy są bardzo skoncentrowani i kompetentni. Byłem także pod wrażeniem stosowania przez nich zwinnej metodologii i skupienia podczas Sprintów Scrum.

Od prawie roku współpracuję z Macopedią przy Strefie MultiSport (www.kartamultisport.pl). Jest to dla nas bardzo ważny projekt, ponieważ to pierwszy kanał, dzięki któremu mamy szansę dotrzeć bezpośrednio do użytkowników kart MultiSport. W związku z tym zależy nam na kompleksowej obsłudze i pewnym partnerze biznesowym.

Jesteśmy bardzo zadowoleni z przebiegu projektu i jego rezultatów, doceniamy wsparcie konsultacyjne oraz ekspertyzę Macopedii w zakresie modelowania docelowej struktury katalogu rowerów i akcesoriów. Wiedza, zaangażowanie i profesjonalizm przyczyniły się do pomyślnego wdrożenia PIM Akeneo w naszej organizacji.

What Do We Focus On?

Digital Transformation Can Be Predictable

Is introducing digital tools a challenge for your company? We will support you as a partner at every stage of the collaboration.

Worried that an online store will affect logistics and pricing policies?

Leave it to us! We will implement an automatic pricing policy system and streamline logistics processes. The platform will continuously update prices and discounts, even individual ones.

We will select the right tools for integration with WMS together. Your warehouse will be ready to handle new orders, even in larger quantities.

Concerned about whether the investment will succeed?

We will ensure it does! We’ll choose tailored tools that meet the challenges and goals of your company.

Your stores (online and offline) will be combined into one system. You will have control and confidence that collaboration with the warehouse runs smoothly.

We are Leaders in E-Commerce Implementations

Platforms Used for B2B Implementation
OroCommerce logo technologii
Adobe Commerce logo technologii
Magento logo technologii
Shopware logo technologii
Tymoteusz Motylewski

We approach each collaboration individually. We will support your company as a partner in the digital transformation process. Our experienced team will tailor your workflow and necessary tools for effective B2B sales in a modern model.

Tymoteusz MotylewskiCTO of Macopedia
How Will Collaboration Look Like?

We are Your Partner in Digital Transformation

We will do more than just implement the best software. We will provide your company with a partnership approach at every stage and propose the best solutions.

step 1

Free Workshop

We’ll talk about your company’s needs and the goals you want to achieve through digital transformation. We will define expectations and gather the necessary knowledge about your business.

step 2

Transparent Plan and Cost Estimation

You will receive a change management plan: a timeline, a comparison and recommendation of technological solutions, a time estimate for implementation, and a clear cost estimate. We will take into account the tools your company is already using and those that need to be implemented.

step 3

Pre-Implementation Analysis

We will create an analysis of the current state. We’ll detail the process that will lead your company to digital transformation.

step 4


We will gradually implement changes, ensuring your company transitions smoothly to the new system. Ongoing work will continue without disruption. We will train your team in new processes and tools.

step 5

Maintenance of the Implementation

You will receive a clear cost estimate for maintaining the implementation: costs of updates and licenses for selected tools.

implementing B2B E-Commerce
  • Sales only through contact with a sales representative
  • Long order process for the customer
  • Sales representatives spend most of their time with clients
  • Complicated internal systems
  • Time-consuming management of product pricing and analytics
implementing B2B E-Commerce
  • Customers are satisfied with the convenience of online ordering
  • Fast and automated customer interaction
  • Sales reps focus on acquiring new clients
  • Integration of store, warehouse, and shipping into one efficient system
  • Automatic pricing policy, order management, invoicing, and inventory control

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the Difference Between B2B and B2C E-Commerce?

The main differences are related to clients, pricing, orders, and platform functionality. B2B e-commerce serves businesses with flexible pricing and complex orders, while B2C is directed at individual consumers.

What Should I Do Before Implementing B2B E-Commerce?

Consider your industry needs, the platform type, technological solutions, and pricing strategy. Schedule a free consultation with our team. We will help you choose the best solution for your business.

What Types of B2B Platforms Are There?

Choosing between open, closed, or semi-open platforms depends on your business needs and goals. Consider whether all users should see your inventory levels and pricing. If you need support in choosing the best solution, contact our sales department for a free consultation.

How Should I Approach Pricing Policies in a B2B Platform?

It’s key to apply a flexible pricing strategy.

Will Sales Representatives Lose Their Jobs After Implementing a B2B Platform?

Today, sales representatives are Sales Ninjas, combining several roles. Implementing a B2B platform can streamline processes, increase the efficiency of the sales department, and boost revenue.

What Features Should a B2B E-Commerce Platform Have to Attract Customers?

Advanced account management, permissions, and pricing flexibility are key. Learn from case studies of companies that successfully transformed their sales digitally.

Let’s talk about Digital Transformation in Your Company

Tomasz Grzemski CEO of Macopedia

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Leverage our experience in creating strategies and high-quality software that helps organizations grow and achieve their goals.

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If you need NDA, first write to us at sales@macopedia.com.

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